Paranoia Text Encryption is a universal text encryption application. It can encrypt messages, notes, and more!
- Keeps your messages (sms, emails, social networking, ...), notes and other texts safe from prying eyes.
- Provides real security - data is encrypted using strong encryption algorithms: Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Twofish 256bit, GOST 256bit ciphers are available.
- The P.T.E. app does not work as a "Vault application". Password is not set to enter the application, but is set for the current encryption/decryption session. You can have an unlimited number of passwords for any purposes (notes, emails, communication with persons A B C, ...). Just copy/paste to/from your favorite applications.
- Fully compatible with the Paranoia Text Encryption for iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod) and the Secret Space Encryptor for Android.
- Free cross platform desktop version (OS X, Windows, Linux, ...) is available on the application home page.